
Showing posts from January, 2023

Corruption - Causes & solution and Steps taken by Government in India.

Corruption refers to the misuse of public office for personal gain. It can take many forms such as bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, and fraud. Corruption undermines the rule of law, erode public trust, and have negative economic, social, and political impacts.                                     Causes of Corruption in India Lack of transparency and accountability: The lack of transparency and accountability in government systems and institutions create opportunities for corruption . Political interference: Political systems that are heavily influenced by money and power create a culture of corruption among politicians. Lack of enforcement of laws: Laws and regulations that are not enforced effectively allow corrupt officials to get away with their actions. Poverty: Poverty can lead to individuals engaging in corrupt practices in order to make ends meet. Weak institutions: Weak institutions such as judiciary, police and anti-corruption agencies that are not functioning independent